発表方法/Instructions for presenter

オンライン(口頭)発表  オンサイト発表  ポスター発表

English Online(oral)presentation  Onsite presentation  Poster presentation

オンライン(口頭)発表 / Online(oral)presentation







"27aC1: 山田 太郎 @ 所属"








②閲覧しやすいように,PowerPoint などの画面はフルスクリーンモードで共有ください.









③トラブル:オンライン接続等のトラブルに対し,OSJ /OPJ2021は一切の責任を負いません.Zoomに接続出来ない場合はOPJ2021 事務局(e-mail or TEL)にご連絡ください.


1)The presentation will be made using Zoom. The presentation time is 15 minutes. (10-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A)

2)Enter the Zoom room

① Please enter your presentation venue 10 minutes before the presentation session begins.

② When entering the room, please click the webiner URL in the e-mail sent from Zoom room acount to enter the room.

③ Perform an audio test on your computer when you enter the room.

3)Setting the participant's name

Change your name display on Zoom like,

"27aD1: Taro Yamada @ Your affiliation".

In the session to be announced, you will be a panelist. Click [Participants] in Zoom to display a list of connected participants and place the cursor on your name to display [Details]. Clicking on it will bring up Rename, which you can select to rename it.

4)Audio / video

① Unmute your microphone until your turn comes. You can turn on your microphone when asking a question or when you are nominated by the chair and need to speak. We recommend using a headset (earphones) for viewing.

② Turn off your camera until your turn comes.

5)Starting the video (presenter)

Presenters should turn on the video and unmute your microphone when your turn comes.


① Please share your screen when your turn comes. Never share your screen until your turn comes.

② PowerPoint documents, etc. should be displayed in a full-screen mode so that other participants will be able to see them easily.

③ Please keep the screen sharing until the question is over.

7)Question-and-answer session

Each speaker is required to be present in their allocated Zoom meeting room during their presentation time to answer questions from participants. Speakers should vacate the Zoom meeting room for the next speaker when their presentation time is up.

8)Leave Meeting

Click "Leave Meeting" to leave the session venue.

9)Precautions at the time of presentation

① Presentation place:Make sure you have a place in the back where you can hear other people's conversations or receive calls without interruption.

② Consideration for presentation materials, etc.:In addition to clarifying the source as a citation so as not to use the copyrighted work of others without permission, the content of the presentation material is based on the fact that online presentations at academic conferences are considered to be retransmitted by automatic public transmission. Need confirmation about. For these, please check the copyright materials published separately.

③ Trouble:The Optical Society of Japan / OPJ2021 Secretariat will not be held responsible for any troubles that may occur regarding online announcements.

If you cannot connect to Zoom, please contact the OPJ2021 Secretariat (e-mail or TEL). 

If the presentation is interrupted due to line trouble during the presentation, we may give you the opportunity to make another presentation if you wish.

オンサイト発表 / Onsite presentation















"27aC1: 山田 太郎 @ 所属"










Onsite presentation

1)Enter the Venue

① Please read the notes on onsite participation (posted later) carefully before you come to the venue.

② Participants will be asked to check their temperature and will be asked to disinfect their hands at the entrance of each building.

② If you feel unwell, please refrain from attending onsite. You can switch to online presentation.

2)Making Presentations

① The presentation will be made using Zoom. The presentation time is 15 minutes. (10-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A)

② Participants are required to present via Zoom using the presenter's laptop.

③ The screen on the speaker's laptop will be projected to the session room screen.

④ Connect your laptop to the room internet router to join the Zoom room just before your presentation turn comes.

* A wired LAN cable for connection is available. If you need an adapter, please bring it yourself.

* We will prepare two wired LAN cables for connection, the presenter and the next presenter. Please connect the first and second presenters of the session before the session starts, and from the third presenter during the presentation of the previous presenter.

* When entering the room, please click the webiner URL in the e-mail sent from Zoom room acount to enter the room.

⑤ Setting the participant's name

Change your name display on Zoom like,

"27aD1: Taro Yamada @ Your affiliation".

In the session to be announced, you will be a panelist. Click [Participants] in Zoom to display a list of connected participants and place the cursor on your name to display [Details]. Clicking on it will bring up Rename, which you can select to rename it.

⑥ Audio / video

・ Turn off the microphone to prevent howling. Voice is picked up from the microphone setting at the room.

・ Please turn on the camera.

⑦ Share your screen when your turn comes. If you have a Zoom virtual laser pointer, please use it during your presentation. PowerPoint documents, etc. should be displayed in a full-screen mode so that other participants will be able to see them easily.

* In addition to clarifying the source as a citation so as not to use the copyrighted work of others without permission, the content of the presentation material is based on the fact that online presentations at academic conferences are considered to be retransmitted by automatic public transmission. Need confirmation about. For these, please check the copyright materials published separately.

⑧ Questions can be received both from online and onsite participants. Session chairs will choose questioners.

⑨ Disconnect the internet immediately after you finished your presentation. And return the LAN cable to the next presenter's seat.

ポスター発表 / Poster presentation






"26AP20: 山田 太郎 @ 所属"







スライドは、横長(16 x 9)のサイズで,4枚以内で作成してください.

1枚目には左上に54 ptの白文字,橙背景で講演番号を記入し,その他の部分に講演題目,著者,所属(略称)を記入してください.2枚目からの形式は自由です.











Poster presentation

Instruction of the OPJ2021 poster presentation

(1)Day of the presentation

Poster presentation will be held in the afternoon of Oct. 26 online (Zoom meeting). First session will start from 1 pm, and second session will start from 3:15 pm.

Attend the main room of the Zoom meeting 5 min before the session starts.

After attending the Zoom meeting, please change your name display on Zoom like,

 "26AP20: Taro Yamada @ Your affiliation".

To do so, click [Participants] in Zoom to display a list of connected participants and place the cursor on your name to display [Details]. Clicking on it will bring up Rename, which you can select to rename it.

First 30 min of the session, we will have lightning talks. Each speaker introduces the presentation within 2 min. The meeting clerk will share and change the slides. Please mention her/him to change the slide to say "Please go to next slide" or so.

After the lightning talks, the presenters with odd presentation number moves to the breakout room of the presentation number and starts the poster presentation. Please share your slides by yourself and perform 10-min presentation and Q&A. Total presentation time is 45 min.

After the poster session by odd presenters, the presenters with even presentation number move to the breakout room of the presentation number and start the poster presentation. Please share your slides by yourself and perform 10-min presentation and Q&A. Total presentation time is 45 min.

※Older versions of Zoom are not free to enter the breakout room, so please update to the latest version of the Zoom client just in case.

(2)Preparation of the presentation

Please upload the slides of the lightning talk at the upload server below by Oct. 19.
http://upload.adthree.info/login.cgi Login information will be sent by e-mail.

Please use the template of the first slide of the lightning talk. The slide of the lightning talk should be landscape (16 x 9), pdf, and maximum 4 slides and 20 MB maximum.

On the first slide, please write the presentation number at 54 pt with white letter and brown background at the left-top corner, as well as the title, authors, and affiliations (abbreviation form). From second slides, no template exists.

For the poster presentation in the breakout room, please prepare normal presentation slides (you can use Powerpoint, Keynote, pdf, etc). Each  presentation time is 10 min.




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