Call for Presentations

Application Due : 23 30 August (Fri.) 2024

Abstract Due : 27 September (Fri.) 2024

submission site

Submission guidelines

Scope : Nobel (unpublished) contents related to Optics & Photonics science and technology.
Presenter : Must be a member of OSJ or sponsoring/supporting academic society.

presentation types :

Oral or Poster

Presentations can be delivered as either an oral presentation or a poster presentation.

Please select either "Oral or Poster presentation" or "Poster presentation." If "Oral or Poster presentation" is selected, the program committee will decide the allocation.

If "Poster presentation" is selected, you will be assigned to a poster presentation.

Posters should be prepared in English (the abstract can be in Japanese).

Joint symposium with OSJ, OPTICA, OSK is also calling for contributed presentations.

The abstract and presentation must be prepared in English. Please select English as the preferred presentation language.

In general, we do not accept any changes after your submission.

The copyright of your abstract published in the conference proceedings is attributed to the OSJ society.
To avoid network congestion, please apply early.

Entry to OPJ excellent presentation award, AI Optics excellent presentation award, and Student Award are open to anyone who fulfill conditions below. Please fill in the required information.

If you have any requests for consecutive presentations, etc., please indicate so in the Remarks column.

Presentation registration and participation registration are separate. Even if you have registered for a presentation, please register separately for participation.

You will receive an email for application confirmation. If you do not receive the email, please check your "Spam" mail box carefully (This often happens...).

Release of abstracts will be planned in the middle ~ end of November, 2024. You will be available to download abstract proceedings.

1. User registration <Please do this before the presentation submission.>
(Please register again even if you have submitted in the past.)

Click on the "user registration" button and fill the information below (following the examples).

1) Password (4 - 8 alphabet and numeric letters, case-sensitive. )

2) Email address (Confirmation mail will be sent to this address.)

3) Name

4) Affiliation / Institution

5) post code

6) Delivery address for participation certificateaddress

7) phone number (extension number)

8) FAX number

After filling up all the information, click the "confirm" button.
Confirmation window will be displayed. Please check if all the information is correct and click the "confirmation" button. If you find something wrong, click the "back" button and make corrections.
Registration completion window will be displayed. You will also receive an email for the user registration, including user ID, and password.

You can login to our system with the ID and password. Any corrections of your user information is available through the system.

2. Presentation submission

Please login to the system, and click the "new submission" button. Fill the form including the following contents, and click the "confirmation" button.

Title (in both Japanese and English)

Brief text summary (about 100 words)

Authors list (in both Japanese and English)

Affiliation/institution (in both Japanese and English)

Speaker's affiliation society

Presentation language

Desired presentation type / oral or poster

Conference session

Entry for the awards

* Manuscript may be submitted later.

Confirmation window will come up. Please check if all the contents are correct. If you want to make corrections, click the "back" button.
The submission will be completed by clicking the "confirmation" button. You will receive an email of submission confirmation.  
If you want to submit multiple presentations, click "back to the submission form" and repeat the submission for other presentations.

Conference sessions

Nano-optics, Nano-photonics

including near field optics, plasmonics, nano-imaging/spectroscopy, nano-sensing, nano quantum optics, nano processing photonic crystals, metamaterials.


Quantum electronics

including laser system/media, laser processing, nonlinear optics(frequency conversion, phase conjugation, nonlinear optical materials/devices), quantum optics (quantum communication networks, quantum information processing, quantum interference), atom optics, laser spectroscopy (super precision spectroscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy, micro-spectroscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy, coherent control), optical chaos, high-harmonic generation, THz, EUV, X-ray.


Optical design, Optical devices

including optics design engineering, imaging optics designing, optical equipments, diffraction optics devices, displays, subwavelength optical elements, optical thin films, optical lithography system design, electro-magnetic field analysis, optics simulation software, micro optical elements, optical filters, electro-optical / magnet-optical devices, thermo-optical devices, liquid crystal devices, liquid optical devices, optical MEMS, optical communication devices, light modulators, polarization control devices, optical polarizers, variable focal length lens, optical waveguides / fibers, optical integrated circuits, optical modules.


Optical metrology

including optical measurements (measurements with geometrical optics / physical optics / fiber optics), interferometers (interferometry, fringe analysis), low coherence interferometry, measurements with optical frequency comb, polarization measurements, ellipsometry, optical scattering measurements, optical tweezers / laser trapping, adaptive optics, microscopy, high speed measurements.

Information optics / information photonics

including optical information processing, optical computing, optical interconnections, physically-based image processing, computational imaging, super resolution, sparse coding, image recovery, imaging sensors, optical communications, optical data storages, materials for optical information processing, spatial light modulators, optical security, digital optics, digital holography, holography, adaptive optics.


Vision optics / Display / Illumination / Optical environment

including physiological optics, display, 3D display, information visualization, interfaces, psychophysics, color vision, LED illumination devices (illumination light sources except lasers), color, optical environment designing, optical arts, optical texture.


Bio-optics / Bio-photonics / Medical optics

including molecular imaging, laser microscopy, nonlinear microscopy, biomedical spectroscopy, optical tweezers / laser trapping, optical manipulation, optical coherence tomography, optical scattering tomography, laser diagnosis, laser treatment.

Energy / Environment / Green photonics, Lifestyle photonics

including energy harvesting / saving, solar cells, high efficiency light sources, environmental measurement, optics in agriculture, optics for foods.

X-ray / EUV

including X-ray microscope, X-ray telescope, X-ray radiography, EUV lithography, X-ray lithography (LIGA), X-ray/EUV optical elements, X-ray/EUV detectors, X-ray/EUV focusing technologies, X-ray/EUV sources, X-ray/EUV imaging and measurements, other X-ray/EUV applications.

Presentation style

• You can choose "(1)Oral or Poster presentation" or "(2) Poster presentation".

The allocation of oral or poster presentations will be decided by the program committee. If "Poster presentation" is selected, you will be assigned to a poster presentation.

Oral presentations will be 15 minutes long (10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A, as per the usual format).

For poster presentation

The poster must be prepared in English (the abstract can be in Japanese).


Please prepare the abstract within one A4 page (template provided) and submit it as a PDF file through the submission site.

Abstract deadline : 27 September, 2024.

submission site

OPJ 2024 office
in Adthree Publishing Co. Ltd., 3F Sunrise bldg. II, 5-20, Shin-ogawa machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0814, Japan.
email : opj(@)



The Optical Society of Japan


C/O Adthree Publishing Co.,Ltd.

3F Sunrise Build Ⅱ,
5-20, Shinogawamachi,
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Phone 03-3528-9841
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