Paper Submission

Abstract deadline (300 characters abstract and title): 24 August, 2023

1 page summary deadline: (A4 format, 1 pages): 22 September, 2023

The link to the submission page is here.

All presentations in the Joint Symposia on Optics must be in English.

◇Applied Optics

-Information optics
-Computational imaging
-Bioimaging and biosensing
-Optical measurement
-Quantum optics/ quantum communications & computing
-Machine learning
-Sensing for the environment
-Optical design
-Display Technology including Augmented VR

◇Optical Science
-Nonlinear optics
-Laser physics
-Material processing
-Quantum optics
OSJ and JSAP members and student members are invited to participate by submitting a paper.
【Presentation Style】
We will announce as soon as it is decided. All presentations plan to be held by oral.
【Web Submission of Abstract】
Contribute for "Joint Symposia on Optics", after the user registration. Choose "Joint Symposia on Optics [Applied Optics]" or "Joint Symposia on Optics [Optical Sciences]" at the "Plan Name" column.
All speakers or corresponding authors should submit the title (up to 72 characters) and brief summary (300 characters) with the information of authors at the submission Web Site until 24 August, 2023 (JST).

All speakers or corresponding authors should submit 1-page abstract from the submission Web site until 22 September, 2023 (JST).
The abstract template (MS-Word) is available here.